Mastering the Basic & Intermediate Concepts of GST - 224th Run
TAKX Solutions's flagship Mastering the Basic & Intermediate Concepts of GST workshop is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and understanding to effectively apply the concepts of GST into their area of work - including GST treatment for international services, exports, disbursement vs reimbursement, gifts/benefits-in-kind for staff and business associates and more - that will enable you to complete the GST F5 return correctly and accurately, and avoid costly penalties. It is also ideal for current finance/accounting staff as a refresher and an ideal platform to clarify their doubts.
Key Topics
Basic Concepts
- Overview of GST
- Types of Supply
- Output Tax vs Input Tax
- Tax Invoice, Simplified Tax Invoices & Receipts
- Credit Notes & Debit Notes
- Claiming of Input Tax
- Disallowed Input Tax Claims
- Imports
- Correcting Mistakes in Import Declaration
- Record-Keeping
- Completing the GST F5
Intermediate Concepts
- Foreign Currency Invoice
- Bad Debt Relief
- Fringe Benefits - Update on Closed Nexus Test
- Gifts
- Ownership of Goods
- Exports
- International Services
- Reimbursements vs Disbursements
- Entertainment Expenses
- Sponsorships
- Discounts & Rebates
Register Online or Download the Registration Form and email to
Complete registration form below and submit.
Look out for confirmation email with soft copy invoice.
Remit payment by Paynow Corporate (UEN no. 200719590R), bank transfer, cheque or cash to TAKX Solutions Pte Ltd.
Look out for reminder email closer to workshop date.